Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tired? Confused? yet oddly at peace??

Well, having a baby at 39 was interesting, planned but interesting, it had been 12 years since our first daughter was born, so it was all new again, and exciting.  I had waiting along time...but now I just found out I'm pregnant again!  This was was not planned and we are in shock and I'm about to turn 42.   Oddly I feel in better shape, of course I'm only 5 weeks and the real test is to come, but I've been working out for a few months and hope to maintain it the best I can throughout this pregnancy, I just can't afford to gain the 50 lbs I did with the last one WAY to hard to get off at this age!   I hope this blog inspires us older moms to be proud of our motherhood!


  1. Stumbled on your blog through another one...congrats on being pregnant. I am sure your 3 year old is so excited!

  2. Congratulations.... Yeah... I'm a mom of 5 and I had my last one at 39. He was 3 months when I turned 40. I honestly feel these are going to be my best years.. So nice t meet you, stop by and visit me at Healthy Living & A Balanced You-Empowering
